Welcome, Effie, and thanks for treading the boards with us today!
1. Are you inspired most by places, people or experiences and how do these work their way into your writing?
Everything around me is a form of inspiration. Even the most miniscule thing can find it’s way in my writing…Greek aunties with hot bowls of soup…a fork as a weapon. (Not the plastic type you get on planes I’m guessing!)
2. Please share one of your favourite moments of inspiration with us.
Isn’t every day a favourite moment of inspiration? For me it’s every day, every sunrise, every sunset. I can never isolate my inspiration to one thing because it’s a multitude of threads that make up the whole.
3. How did you come up with the idea of Phantasma Phi 1?
It just materialized.
4. How do you come up with your characters’ names?
I usually have faces but no names. I do have a list and don’t ask how I got my hands on it, as research is fun for me. It’s an old list of ancient Greek names. I also use a baby name book.
5. If you could pick a soundtrack to match your main character’s life, what would it be?
Ooo the soundtrack from Harry Potter – Order of the Phoenix. Largely because that’s what I was listening to when I wrote most of the book.
6. What is your favorite holiday?
One where I don’t have to cook! (With you on that one, Effie!)
7. How many times were you turned down before you finally got published?
I’m new in the world of Authorism (and yes it’s a word because I can make them up – I have that super power)…so I’ve had a couple of rejections and believe they are the last. This baby isn’t taking no for an answer. Lol .
(I’m absolutely certain we’ll be seeing Phantasma in print soon. Love your title too!)
8. What reason(s) did the publishers give for their rejection of your manuscript?
Too many elements, hero/heroine relationship needs more conflict and development. Deep down inside I knew this was the case. I wanted to put so much in this book and had to cut out so much too, which in my case over filled some areas and fell short on others.
9. Who is your literary hero?
Oh…I have so many…I lurv Eric Northman, James Bond (because he gets the best cars, gadgets and women), Fitzwilliam Darcy, Reyes Farrow, Dimitri Belikov, Sherlock Holmes, Atticus Finch and Perry Mason. I could keep going but I’d bore you and probably scare you with my choices. (Atticus and Sherlock and James Bond—oh yeah!)
10. Who do you most admire and why? OR If you could meet anyone alive or dead and spend an hour with them, who and why?
Homer - for granting us two epic stories that have inspired us for more than 2,865 years. Everything you need as far as story is in those two books. It’s the classic hero’s journey and ultimately story is about the journey. I’d ask him how he plotted those stories, where his ideas came from etc. (Another Ancient History lover!)
11. What is your favourite book of all time that you can reread a hundred times, and it still feels like the first time?
Drum roll…are you ready for this one? I don’t think you are…Gone with the Wind. Sadly, I’ve never felt that way about a book. It would be very rare for me to read a book twice. So much to read so little time. I do however flick through books I’ve loved just to get reconnected with the story. Basically, I read random pages and smile as the whole story opens up in my mind.
12. What do you need to set the mood for you to write?
A note book and my fountain pen, anytime anyplace.
13. If there is one genre that you have not written in yet, but would love to try writing a book in that specific genre, what would it be?
Crime, because it was always my first love. I love trying to solve the case. (Don’t you love a story/movie that stumps you but makes glorious sense when all is revealed?)
14. How many blurbs did you have to write before the final one?
A gazillion and I’m not sure if I’m satisfied.
15. If you could bring one of your characters to life, who would it be? And why? Probably Tithon, my bounty hunter vampire. He gets himself into a lot of hot water by managing to irk some fairies…constantly. There’s one incident where he stands up a particular fairy. (I’d like to hear the whole story on why he stood her up.)
16. What are you working on now?
Cleaning up Phantasma Phi1. Writing Phantasia Phi 2 and Chosen at Delphi - my new baby outside of my 10 book Paranormal series. I’m also working on other personal writing projects.
17. Would you like to share an excerpt from your writing or a photo or music link that inspires you?
Men in kilts inspire me for obvious reasons. The whole skirt on a man and sword in hand thing, it just does things to a woman’s psyche. Lol.
Favourite cocktail would have to be the Moonlight Martini, which I was exposed to at the QT, Gold Coast with a very good friend who has superior taste. (Who could that be, I wonder?) Oh and shaken not stirred! http://mybestcocktails.com/recipe-195-Moonlight-Martini.html