Thanks for having me Susanne. I love reading your blog, you have so many interesting characters visiting you.
We know you write rural romance, Ann, so your heroes have some sort of connection with the land. Can you tell us about that connection?
I always think you have that connection deep in your heart. Either you are a city person or a country person. People can change obviously but I feel a deep lasting love of the land is bred into you. All of my characters are either on the land already or get thrown into it due to circumstance. You can tell the ones who know nothing about the way farming works and I love the learning process they go through J
What else do your heroes have in common?
Conflict. Each hero or heroine pushes each other’s buttons. Call me mean, but I love to pit them against each other and see what they do.
What character traits do you perceive as ‘typically’ Australian?
Looking out for your mates, sharing when others are down, lending a hand to the bloke in the street.
What do you think the ideal hero should be like?
There isn’t one ideal hero in my mind. They are all different and all have their good qualities to make them stand out in their heroines eyes.
Some people show their love through acts of service, others through physical contact and so on. How does your hero show how he feels about the heroine?
In Coming Home, the boys all show different sides to themselves but are uniquely all about family and those they care about.
Coming Home actually has several heroes. Why did you decide to write about them all in one book rather than giving them their own stories in a series?
I wanted to try something different and have multiple POV and it was a challenge to meld their stories together.
What sort of contrasting/similar personalities do they have?
They are all different. Russ is calm and collected while Jake is fiery and outgoing.
How are your characters influenced by the setting?
Their characters evolve over the story. Initially happy with his life in the city, Jake finds comfort when he finds he has to live at home once again while Russ can’t wait for the move back to the quieter life. Rooney on the other hand, sees it as a way to make a stable life for her young daughter.
Would your story work if it was set in another part of the world?
Of course. I think you could set it in any country and it wouldn’t seem out of place.
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