Welcome and thanks for treading the boards with us today!
- Are you inspired most by places, people or experiences and how do these work their way into your writing?
You captured it beautifully in Red Hot!
- Please share one of your favourite moments of inspiration with us.
- How did you come up with the idea of Red Hot?
- How do you come up with your characters’ names?
- Who would you cast for a movie/TV series as your main characters if given the chance?
- If you could pick a soundtrack to match your main character’s life, what would it be? Born to Be Wild, Steppenwolf.
- What is your favorite holiday? One without housework. I love to go camping and chill out. Mind you, it's also the thing my DH does for me when I get too sidetracked from my WIP. It's amazing how much writing I can get done with nothing to do but look at the view and relax.
- Do you read reviews of your books? What do you do when you read a not-so-nice one? Yes and no. I don't go looking for them. I did read one where the reviewer didn't like my hero in Mistress for Magnus because he was a bit gnarly. But that's fine, I can't please everyone and it doesn't worry me that much. I don't like everything I read either and you shouldn't try to please everyone.
- How many times were you turned down before you finally got published? Being totally green I subbed to the big six first. Little did I know that getting picked up by them was almost impossible, especially since I was an unknown. I got a lovely letter from one of them, my first rejection and I'm so proud of the encouragement they gave me, I framed it. But from the day I subbed to the day I got my first contract I think it was about twelve months. Five more contracts quickly followed, it's been a fabulous year. And an awesome dual ARRA nomination for your work; congratulations, Ann!
- What reason(s) did the publishers give for their rejection of your manuscript? The huge amount of submissions they get. They liked my story and my voice but it came down to other people being better than me. I just appreciate the time they took to write me such a nice letter.
- Who is your literary hero? Too many to name. I read such a wide variety of books and have lots of names that I always buy.
- Who do you most admire and why? OR If you could meet anyone and spend an hour with them alive or dead who and why? I think it would be Nelson Mandela - such a strong man with a gentle soul. He never let anything get him down but pushed forward. Something a lot of writers could mimic I think, including me. We all have our bad days but we shouldn't give up. He never did and look where it got him! I agree – he is such a fantastic role model. And I think of Jane Porter’s determination over seventeen years. Never give up!
- What is your favorite book of all time that you can reread a hundred times, and it still feels like the first time? Cross Stitch - Dianna Gabaldon
- What do you need to set the mood for you to write? That's funny because my first five books were written while standing at the kitchen counter with kids running around my feet. I used to do day care from home and it was a challenge every day. Now that I have a choice I put Pink on DVD and let it rip rather loudly while I write as fast as I can. But seriously, I can write in the car and I do a lot. We live in the outback so we are miles from anywhere. Always plenty of time to write in the car when we travel.
- If there is one genre that you have not written in yet, but would love to try writing a book in that specific genre, what would it be? I've done contemporary, erotic, young adult and I have some ideas on middle grade. I have two books I started for my grandkids that I really should finish and submit.
- How many blurbs did you have to write before the final one? Way too many to count.
- If you could bring one of your characters to life, who would it be? And why? Definitely Jasper from my YA series Witchling. p.s. I write under the pen name Ari Harper for that genre. He is handsome with that deep Irish brogue that makes women go weak at the knees. Plus he is smart and oh so clever. Did I mention that he is a wiccan too? Love my magic men. Just put him in a kilt and he’s perfect! The Irish wear kilts, don’t they?
- What are you working on now? Just about finished Outback Thunder, my latest rural contemporary and I'm also working on another YA Blood Bound, Book One is called First Blood.
- Would you like to share an excerpt from your writing or a photo or music link that inspires you? I love a man in a kilt. *sigh* I think Sean Connery is the sexiest man alive when he is wearing his.
Laying down on the bed beside her, he traced his finger down her cheek. He was getting to know the contours of her face without his glasses on. Her breath hitched and she moaned. Rhian ran her fingers through his hair and pulled him down to her mouth. She traced her tongue over his lips before taking the bottom one in between her teeth and pulling gently.
“Just stay still and let me.” He pushed her hands away and smiled when she lay like a rag doll on the bed.
Red pushed the straps of her dress down over her shoulders and let his tongue leave a moist trail along the contours of her lush breasts. Her nipples puckered under his hot breath and she squirmed on the bed under him. With his teeth he nipped at the tight buds, teasing them to attention. He was intent on keeping control of this lovemaking session. Lifting her bottom from the bed, Red peeled her dress down, dropping it on the floor.
She lay in all her glory, her eyes half closed as she gazed up at him, a small seductive smile on her lips. “Take off your clothes lover boy or I will have to disobey you and do it myself.”
“Disobey and I go home Rhian.” Red stood looking down at her, his heart thumping. For once he wanted to be in charge. He waited with dread for her to refuse him. Instead she closed her eyes and stretched her body like a sensual cat waiting to be stroked.
- Please share your favourite cocktail recipe or celebration photo. Sorry I don't drink and my favorite tipple is weak black tea.
- The photo at the beginning is one Elle Finlay took for me when we were at the Gold Coast. She really makes me look good.