Fifty Shades has raised the profile of erotica and encouraged new writers in this genre. One of them is Kariss Stone. Welcome, Kariss, and thanks for treading the boards with us today!
1. Are you inspired most by places, people or experiences and how do these work their way into your writing?
I think I’m most inspired by experiences, and they sometimes pop into my head at the right moment while writing a scene that could benefit from first-hand experience.
2. Please share one of your favourite moments of inspiration with us.
In my current WIP, which is an erotica novel, two of my characters are in the bath getting it on, and of course they would get sore knees, and it reminded me of a sexual experience I had in our hallway on the carpet! Needless to say after that there were two very distinct round grazes on my knees which stung like crazy! Anyway I gave that memory to the heroine as a way of letting the reader know an experience she had, to let them know a little bit about her.
3. How did you come up with the idea of your current WIP?
Funnily enough it was at the time when Fifty Shades first became a phenomenon. I’d just decided to concentrate on writing erotica, and then Fifty Shades came out and it gave me inspiration to come up with my own sexual concept.
4. How do you come up with your characters’ names?
I just say a whole lot of names in my head until I come across the ones that I like.
5. Who would you cast for a movie/TV series as your main characters if given the chance?
Oh my Gosh! It has to be Victor Webster as the hero. He played ‘Coop’, the cupid in the TV series Charmed. I find him incredibly sexy. For the heroine I would choose Kate Beckingsale. I think she’s a classic beauty, but can also be sexy.
6. What is your favourite holiday?
Staying in a five star resort on an island paradise, sipping cocktails by the pool as I watch the sun setting.
7. Who is your literary hero?
Any strong heroine who stands up to the hero.
8. What do you need to set the mood for you to write?
Just my brain telling me to write, and having something happen in my writing that inspires me, for eg, it’s taken me 3 years to write my current WIP, (I only wrote on the train to and from work) but I did procrastinate more towards the end because there were a couple of stories that hadn’t been finished and I wasn’t sure how I was going to write them. But when I finished those 2 stories, and therefore the whole novel was completed, I suddenly found all this inspiration to work on the novel, do the edits etc, because the stories had now been finished. I think it was because my brain was telling me, ‘you’re so close to sending the novel off now that it’s finished’ and it spurred me on.
9. How many blurbs did you have to write before the final one?
10. If you could bring one of your characters to life, who would it be? And why?
My heroine so I could interview her and find out all about being a Dominatrix in a BDSM club.

Here is an excerpt of my erotic story number 8.
The cruiser sways about twenty degrees to the left. There’s clanging sounds from the cupboards as crockery and glassware shift within their confined spaces.
Eric pulls out the remaining two life jackets and a torch from underneath the bench at the dining room table and puts a life jacket on Charlotte.
As he’s clipping her in, a water-soaked Thomas comes sloshing through the cruiser’s open door that leads outside to the deck.
“The gash is about a metre long below,” Thomas says loudly, his face white, his eyes wide with fear. “We can’t plug it and the hole’s getting bigger.”
The cruiser lurches sharply to the left now. Suddenly there’s a loud clatter. Cupboard doors above them swing wildly open and plates, bowls and glasses crash loudly to the water-cased floor.
At that moment Jeremy opens up the hatch underneath near the kitchen, spluttering, completely drenched and struggling to catch his breath. “The water’s rising too...too quickly. We’re going down. I tried to patch it up as best...” He heaves. “As best as I could, but the surge of water is too great.”
“We’ve got to get to the motor boat now,” Eric declares.
Lights flicker off again, before coming back on for the briefest moment before the cruiser is plunged into complete darkness.
Loud creaking sounds echo throughout the drowning boat. The cruiser rocks further to the left, making passage difficult. Thomas and Jeremy struggle to keep their balance as they make their escape from the stricken vessel, trudging through the dining room and lounge room to get outside.
Holding Charlotte’s hand firmly, Eric pulls her across the water-logged floor after Jeremy and Thomas.
They manage to get outside, but as the boat is now listing forty degrees, it’s becoming increasingly hard to move as their feet keep slipping down the steep slope of the deck.
Glass windows from the left side of the boat submerged underwater shatter outwards from the water pressure. The creaking sounds of the boat increase as the four of them stumble along to the stern of the boat where their small motor boat is tied up behind the cruiser.
They step over floating debris as they move. The boat shifts further to the left. Soon it will be completely on its side.
Jeremy and Thomas struggle to untie the small boat with the cruiser being at such a sharp angle and starting to rock.
Charlotte’s heart rate surges again, her hands are clammy, her face cold. Fear grips her heart. She shivers, clutching on to Eric’s arm tightly. How far are they away from land? What if they have to stay in the small boat all night? What about food or water?
Eric kisses Charlotte on the top of her head. “It’s going to be alright sweetheart. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Sweetheart? He’s never called her that. For a moment excitement bubbles away inside her, until her body jerks when the boat rocks sharply to the right and the reality of their precarious situation hits her with the full force of a tornado.
Thomas loses his footing and almost falls overboard. Jeremy rescues him in time. They’re still struggling to unhitch the boat as the cruiser keeps rocking violently. It’s breaking up.
“Wait here,” Eric shouts to her. “I’ve got to give the guys a hand. I won’t be long.” And he’s suddenly gone. She grips the cruiser’s metal rail, struggling to hold on as the unnerving creaking sounds get louder and her feet keep slipping on the soaked deck. Please, please, hurry up!
Eric assists the guys and they’re able to unhook the ropes of the motor boat from the cruiser.
They’re going to be all right!
She starts making a dash towards the men when her foot gets caught up in a loop of rope. She loses her balance and falls backwards, her head hitting the hard deck.
She loses all consciousness.
Thanks so much Susanne for having me on your blog. I had a great time.
Thanks for sharing your story and some of the things that inspire you, Kariss. I’m with you on cocktails by the pool! Sunset or anytime!