Tamsin writes erotic fiction as well as other genres. Today, she’s going to share more about her alter ego and her erotic writing. Welcome, Tamsin, and thanks for treading the boards with us today!
Thank you for having me.
1. Are you inspired most by places, people or experiences and how do these work their way into your writing? Experiences probably- especially if you include other books and authors. That inspires me the most.
2. How did you come up with the idea of Eternal Hearts?
A publisher put out a submission call for Vampire stories, 15-20K words. I had never written a ménage before but had read some great ones. So thought, I may just have a go at this. I start writing and let the characters take me where ever they like.
3. How do you come up with your characters’ names?
Hmmm, I change them often half way through. I have to like them and they have to suit the period in time. So I just pick a couple, try them out, then change them if they need to be changed.
4. Do you read reviews of your books? What do you do when you read a not-so-nice one? Yes and ahhh, pout and complain to other writers. What else can you do? Can’t please everyone, but I don’t take it well.
5. How many times were you turned down before you finally got published?
I’m still getting turned down! Got another rejection two weeks ago. Though, If you are talking about my first contract, three times.
6. Who is your literary hero?
Diana Gabaldon- she’s brilliant.
7. What do you need to set the mood for you to write?
Ah, a computer and a place to sit.
8. If there is one genre that you have not written in yet, but would love to try writing a book in that specific genre, what would it be?
I’ve written a lot of genres- I haven’t tried F/F yet, and I may… soon.
9. How many blurbs did you have to write before the final one?
Eeek, I hate blurbs. I write them quickly and send them off.
10. What are you working on now?
The sequel to my first ménage shifter erotic romance. Knowing Destiny.
11. Would you like to share an excerpt from your writing or a photo or music link that inspires you?
I would love to. Remember that Eternal Hearts is a historical- Regency period (1811), ménage- MMF (which means the men love each other and the woman) and vampire. So I will find you a gentle excerpt, but the story is pretty fast and hot.
Margaret forced her mind to work and answer the question posed to her.
“Lady Margaret Tonnington.”
The men shared another glance, and she clenched her teeth. Margaret hated when people shared secrets or spoke through looks. She wouldn’t have it.
“Would you two stop doing that? At least have the decency to think aloud rather than sharing those strange looks.”
The two men stared at her for a moment. Then the blond one grinned, his beauty devastating her anger.
“I do apologise, my lady. Are you still married?”
The darker one clenched his fists in his lap, and Margaret had the strange vision of him pounding her dead husband in the face. It was a rather satisfying vision.
“I am a widow.”
Both men visibly relaxed, and she giggled. The noise was obscene and inappropriate, but Margaret couldn’t help it. Why would they be so happy to learn she was a widow?
Again the men smiled, looking pleased by her behaviour. The smile died on Margaret’s face as the implications of their behaviour occurred to her.
“What is wrong with you both?”
They laughed aloud this time, the dark haired one reaching out for her.
“You are so much more beautiful than I thought you would be.”
His fingers brushed her cheek, and she gasped, blushing crimson as she slid further away.
“Do not touch me.”
The dark haired one, Nathaniel, turned to Michael, the blond one.
“What should we do? Explain everything first?”
Michael shook his head avidly.
“No. We turn her now and explain later. We have eternity to make it up to her.”
The blond one moved to sit beside her, holding her neck at a strange angle, his teeth looking sharp and white in the dark.
Fear crept up her spine. Her connection, whatever it was, demanded she reach out for them, but her logical brain demanded she realize how much danger she was in.
“Please don’t hurt me.” She whispered, leaning into his caress despite her fear.
“Michael, do not do this now. If she is who we know her to be, we cannot force her.”
Michael groaned and bent forward, pressing his lips against her cheek. Heat spread along her face and jaw. Margaret’s eyes slid shut in pleasure.
“Nathaniel, she smells almost better than you do to me. You know she is the one. Why should we wait?”
Margaret shivered in fear and arousal. What were they talking about?
“Michael. Stop!”
She was released, and Margaret wrapped her arms around her body, suddenly cold. She didn’t know what these men wanted, and her reaction to them was disturbing her.
“You scared her.”
Nathaniel frowned and reached out his hand, rubbing her hand once before sliding back into his chair again. His hand left just as much heat as Michael’s touch had. How was that possible?
“We apologize.”
Margaret nodded and placed her hands in her lap again. Her fear had abated, and now she was just confused.
“What do you want from me?”
She knew that if they wanted to hurt her, rape her, she could do little to stop them. But they had no wish to harm her. She could feel it. True, she could also feel the violence roiling through them, especially the blonde one, but it wasn’t directed at her.
She felt wanted, revered in a strange way.
“We just wished to meet you, Lady Tonnington.” Nathaniel spoke again, his tone soothing and his face calm and pleasant.
She smiled reluctantly as an unknown force pushed her to share more with them. “Margaret.”
They exchanged another look, and she groaned. How many times did she have to say it?
“You’re doing it again!”
They turned back to her, looking contrite, and again Nathaniel spoke.
“We are pleased you shared your name. It suits you.”
She blushed, his compliment obvious.
The carriage slowed as it made its way up her driveway. Margaret couldn’t believe the regret that filtered through her. Should she invite them inside? Was she insane?
“We will leave you. But we will be back.”
Michael made a pained noise in his throat, but Nathaniel put a hand on his leg, stilling his movements.
“Are you all right, Michael?” she couldn’t help asking.
Michael looked away from her without smiling. Shocked and hurt by his rejection, she looked back at Nathaniel.
He smiled, though it looked forced. His brown eyes were not smiling with his mouth.
“Please forgive us. Michael does not wish to leave you, but we must. May we visit again tomorrow?”
She laughed aloud at that one. What a strange combination of polite passion they both were.
“Visit? This isn’t precisely a proper house call, gentlemen.”
They both visibly shivered at her words, and identical smiles spread across their faces.
“Tomorrow night?”
Pleasure spread through Margaret at the mention of seeing them again. She nodded before she could even think about her answer.
“Would you come for dinner?”
Michael groaned and slid forward on his chair, baring his rather pointed teeth. Nathaniel’s arm came up and pushed Michael back.
What was Nathaniel? Michael’s older, over-protective brother?
Nathaniel nodded his head at her.
“I apologize again. He is hungry now. We must go and will see you after dinner tomorrow night. Nine o’clock?”
She nodded, but she didn’t understand. Why was he looking at her as though she was food? Michael’s body shook with the restraint it took not to do what he wanted. And what was it that he desired?
Tamsin Baker is an Aussie girl who only found erotic romance about ten months ago. Before that she read sexy romance, skipping the plot looking for the ‘good bits.’ Since then she have written and obtained 14 contracts of varying lengths with erotic romance and erotica. She absolutely LOVES reading and writing it! She have two other jobs, kids and a hubby too, but writing is a passion that she has to indulge, for fear of insanity.
M/M is a passion of hers so even in her menage stories, there is always M/M. Female domme is a fun one to write too, but she is open to all genres. One step at a time she is learning to read more and write more. Soon she’ll have stories published in every sub genre of erotic romance – or that is her aim anyway.